That Double Chin Probably Isn’t Your Fault

That Double Chin Probably Isn’t Your Fault | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale

That Double Chin Probably Isn’t Your Fault

Contrary to popular belief, just about anyone can have a double chin and you probably have genetics to blame. At Parson Skin Center, we can vanquish double chins for good with the minimally invasive Kybella procedure. Kybella dissolves excess fat below the chin, known as submental fat, using a kind of acid that already occurs naturally in the body. A series of prescribed injectable deoxycholic acid is all it takes to get rid of that double chin and achieve a stronger jawline. Kybella is FDA approved, and most clients require just 4 – 6 sessions to achieve flawless results.

But what exactly causes a double chin? If you have one, then it’s likely that one of your parents has one too. We’re all born with a unique number of fat cells and fat distribution, informed by genetics. Some people simply have more fat cells beneath their chin than others. This means you might be prone to a double chin even if you’re svelte and slender elsewhere. However, the appearance of a double chin can get worse with age because at a certain point we’re no longer battling “just fat” but skin laxity, too.

Why We Hate Double Chins

Is having double chin so bad? It’s certainly not harmful, but it can quickly become the bane of anyone’s existence. There’s a reason a double chin is sometimes called a “weak chin” and yet no other part of the body has such a negative connotation. Weakness is never considered positive when talking about the body, and sometimes we can (wrongly) connect a weak chin to weakness in other areas—such as dietary control.

Although even slender and very healthy people can and often do have a double chin, it’s a very obvious and visible pocket of excess fat that we’re prone to judge. Men can have it doubly tough when they have a weak chin because we’re conditioned to align masculinity with the famed strong jawline. It’s pretty tough to have a strong jawline when you’re laden with excess fat that just won’t budge no matter how many hours you log at the gym.

Facing Facts about Double Chins

Another issue with the double chin is that it sets the standards for the rest of our body. If someone has a double chin, we’re more inclined to think of the rest of them as having excess fat, too. This can be particularly true in an increasingly screen-obsessed world where a lot of people might only see your face. This goes for you, too! If you’ve become used to virtual meetings and constantly staring at just your face, then you have probably noticed that your eyes are drawn to the chin if you have extra fat in this area.

Simply put, people with a double chin are often thought of as heavier than they are. Even though we logically know pockets of fat are common and exist, a fuller face is simply thought of as going with a fuller body.

Kybella for a Permanent Solution

Kybella is considered minimally invasive because it requires prescription injections. The Kybella technology actually “stamps” the double chin, so it’s a series of injections performed simultaneously rather than a single injection. The deoxycholic acid immediately goes to work dissolving unwanted fat, but the results aren’t immediate. It will take a few weeks to see results, and only then can your aesthetician provide the next treatment. It’s very important that exact amounts of chin fat are dissolved because this is a permanent solution. You don’t want to dissolve too much fat because once it’s gone, it’s gone for good.

Kybella is a fantastic alternative to liposuction for those who want to avoid surgery and any scarring (although a liposuction scar is very small and easy to hide). There’s no downtime, no surgical risks, and results are personalized based on how your body responds to Kybella over your treatment sessions. Suitable for men and women of all ages, Kybella is a solution for the dreaded double chin that really works. Learn more about Kybella and other procedures, such as skin tightening for chin laxity, by calling Parson Skin Center at (480) 282-8386.