Tummy Tuck Patient 5a | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery Scottsdale Arizona Tummy Tuck Patient 5a | Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery Scottsdale Arizona

Tummy Tuck Patient 5

Dr. Shaun Parson Plastic Surgery


Patient is a 52 year old female who is 5'4" tall and 150 pounds. Patient came to see Dr. Shaun Parson after undergoing a prior hysterectomy, leaving her with rectus diastasis. This separated the abdominal muscle, leaving a protruded abdominal appearance. Her self confidence was very low even, in normal every day clothing. Dr. Shaun Parson knew he could help by performing a full abdominoplasty and by suturing the abdominal muscle in a corset like fashion to repair the diastasis. In addition, to achieve the most optimal results, patient elected to also have liposuction of the flanks.

Tummy Tuck
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