If A Body Lift Is In Your Future, Let’s Get Some Info

Body Lift Weight Loss Surgery | Dr. Shaun Parson, Scottsdale, AZ

If A Body Lift Is In Your Future, Let’s Get Some Info

If you are thinking of having a body lift, it must be for a very good reason. No doubt, you have probably finally lost all that weight that has been dragging you down. But, now you’ve got another problem. Now you have all that extra skin that’s dragging you down.

It’s something you don’t want to think about. The fact that you’ve been through so much already with the Bariatric surgery and now you are facing more surgery. But it is a fact- plenty of patients who have undergone weight loss surgery are left with a significant amount of excess skin, and ultimately will need a body lift. This excess skin is not only an unsightly issue but can cause many more problems, such as emotional pain and physical pain caused by chafing.

Your body may be free of a lot of fat, but now it is being weighed down with folds of sagging, loose skin. This loose skin is caused by losing a huge amount of weight in a short amount of time. Sagging skin can also occur if the weight is lost through diet and exercise, but much more often with bariatric patients.

What Is Involved In A Body Lift?

It has been found that those people who have had weight loss surgery and subsequently have the body contouring procedures to follow are more successful at keeping the weight off.

The most effective way to remove the excess skin is through a cosmetic surgery procedure or multiple procedures called body contouring.

Those who decide to proceed with body contouring usually undergo what is known as a circumferential body lift. The surgeon will make an incision across the back and along the flanks and abdomen, cutting away the extra skin and tightening what is left with sutures. Other procedures that people add to the body contouring are breast lift or augmentation and/or arm surgery (brachioplasty).

Body Lift Consultation with Dr. Shaun Parson

If a body lift is in your future, Dr. Shaun Parson and his staff of professionals can help you navigate your way through the questions and concerns that you will have. With his experience and expertise, you can be assured of a safe and pleasing outcome. Make your body lift consultation today and let’s get you on your way – 480-282-8386.